How amazing is this!? Local artist Jessie Chris has a new song with Danny Wood from The NKOTB called 'Bodyguard' coming up really soon!
On Nov 8, 2018, Jessie posted a video on her You Tube Channel, explaining why this song is special; she mentions two reasons, and both touch as us Blockheads.
First, because it’s to honor Betty, Danny Wood’s mom who passed away from breast cancer, so – as Jessie says – “all the money from the song is gonna go towards women with breast cancer.”
Second, because Jessie’s cousin – Christy – is one big NKOTB fan and deserves an extra special dose of joy. Jessie explains, “she is the biggest New Kids On The Block fan and she actually has cystic fibrosis, and for those of you who don’t know what that is, basically her lungs don’t work the way they’re supposed to (…) Christy has been to every single New Kids On The Block tour, but she’s never met them before.” … So, you can imagine what happened when Danny heard the story :)