Spring brings greenery and flowers, but while you’re waiting for gardens to bloom outside, you can liven things up inside with some fresh flowers. And there’s no reason to wait for someone else to get them for you, just grab some for yourself at the grocery store or farmer’s market and enjoy.
Here are some science-backed reasons you should treat yourself to some fresh flowers
- Flowers can decrease anxiety - A study done by Harvard psychologist Nancy Etcoff found that participants felt less negativeafter living in a home with flowers for a few days. Fresh blooms create a warm environment and make your home feel welcoming.
- Flowers actually make you smile - Research from Rutgers shows that when people were told they’d receive a gift, flowers were the only one that gave people a “true smile” - which is one that involves the mouth, cheeks, and eyes.
- Flowers spark creativity - Maybe you should get some flowers for your desk at work because a study from Texas A&M University finds that people working in flower-filled environments showed more innovative thinking.
- Flowers change perception - That same study from Rutgers finds that “the good-mood effect” post-flower delivery can last for days. So if you want to change how someone sees you, give them flowers, too.
Source: Well and Good