For all of us who prefer getting our fitness on without stepping foot inside a gym, you’ll be glad to know there are lots of ways to burn calories aside from a real sweat sesh. And some of them are even relaxing, like these.
Take a bath - What’s more relaxing than a long, hot soak? Not much. And a recent study shows that taking an hour-long bath in 104-degree water actually burns up to 130 calories. Now that’s a long time for a bath, but pruney toes are worth it when you’re burning the calorie equivalent of a Frappuccino.
Walk the dog - Spend some extra time strolling with your four-legged friend because you can burn up to 225 calories an hour walking.
Get a massage - This might be the best way ever to burn calories. While you’re lying still for an hour-long massage you’ll burn approximately 67 calories, which isn’t going to help you drop a dress size, but it’s more relaxing than spin class.
Take a nap - Everything you do - from breathing to digesting to sleeping - burns calories. So when you have the luxury to sneak in a midday snooze, do it and you can burn up to 63 calories in an hour. Plus, think how refreshed you’ll be. Sleep is the ultimate in relaxation.
Laugh with friends - Make a point to make plans with your squad because according to a study at Vanderbilt University, talking with your friends for 10 to 15 minutes can burn up to 40 calories. Think of how many you burn during one of your marathon catch-up sessions.
Source: PureWow