It's officially Fall today at 3:21 to be exact and I have a list of things to get done in the next 6-8 weeks!
#1 - Apple Picking Season - Let's get all the basic out the way!
Last year I hit up Parlee Farms which I LOVED! Not only could you pick apples, but fresh flowers too! I may switch it up this year though and give Honey Pot Hill Orchards a try in Stow. A number of you have called in and mentioned that spot as your favorite and I see that they have a mini pony at their petting zoo! What's your fave orchard? (Honey Pot Site)
Photo: Amanda Jo
#2 - Plot My Next Patriots Game
My friends and I are already trying to decide which game we're gonna try to get our buns too! The last game I got to see was after XMAS in 2019 in the middle of a Nor'Easter against "America's Team" the Dallas Cowboys!
#3 - Spooky Thangs!
It's all just a bunch of Hocus Pocus right?... While I await my call back to be an extra for Hocus Pocus 2 I'm trying to figure out what the creepiest Haunted Houses/Tours are in the area so if you have some suggestions HOLLLLLLAH! If you're looking for a more tame tour of your own I suggest doing your own Hocus Pocus Tour in Salem. Here's a link to the locations so you can tour yourself!
#4 - A Reading With Loralei
One of the things I hit up in Salem when I first moved out here was a reading with Loralei! She operates the oldest witch house in Salem and has ready for celebrities like Katy Perry and peeps on the Patriots. My cousin and I went a few years back and it was rather amusing. Crow Haven Corner is the spot! Also the spot the Real Housewives of NY visited last season. (Crow Haven)
The first weekend of October is Harpoon Octoberfest Friday & Saturday... and on Sunday it becomes "Dogtoberfest". I'm proud to say this year I'll once again be MCing the "Festminster" Show. Dogs in costumes!! BRING IT ON! Check out the deets and ticket info.
# 6 - Hike the Mount Major Loop in NH
My family has had a house by Lake Winnie since I was in High School and I'm just starting to take advantage of the trails up that way. I'm plotting to get up there to hike the Mount Major Loop! Foliage season is the perfect time for it! (All Trails Map)
#7 - Hit a Vineyard with Friends!
Drinking outside in the fresh air... HECK YES! My fave to visit in the 413 is Black Birch Vineyard, but since living out this way I have yet to discover my 617 jam! Suggestions welcome, but I hear Nashoba is popular :-)
Not quite sure what I'm plotting this year... maybe stay in a Haunted spot with friends - have a small gathering - go out... too soon to tell, but I can start plotting the ensemble!
This has become one of my favorite runs in Boston supporting an amazing charity leading up to Veterans Day. Last year of course was virtual, but the run around Castle Island is beautiful and finishing in Fort Independence is cool! Who wants to run with me!!! DAV 5K
#10 - Bake some apple crisp & perfect my hot peanut butter and pepper jelly wings! Follow me on Insta #ThisGirlCooks ;-)