Massachusetts COVID-19 Levels At Two-Year High Following Holiday Season

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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — According to the region's latest wastewater data, the levels of COVID-19 in the Boston area have surged to two-year highs during the recent holidays.

State health officials say the last time COVID levels were this high was during the omicron surge from the winter of 2021-2022.

The amount of COVID in wastewater is widely used to track how prevalent the virus is regionally.

This news doesn't come as a big surprise from Bailey who was in Kenmore Square. "There's some students in my class who have broken out in COVID recently," she said. "I think there's definitely a spike after the Christmas season and everyone getting together."

The latest data supports the warnings from the CDC that said COVID and flu infections would likely go up through holiday gatherings because in part of too many unvaccinated people, and a new version of the coronavirus that may be spreading more easily.

WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports.

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