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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — It’s Thanksgiving Day and WBZ’s Carl Stevens celebrated with a Thanksgiving poem.
On the line of the horizon where the ocean meets the sky…
The sun rises slowly to great my grateful eyes.
The light that it brings as it steps through each day's door…
Is the thing on this Thanksgiving that I’m most thankful for.
It’s a light that shines in all of us, though it’s sometimes hard to see…
It’s a quiet light of goodness that resides in you and me.
You can see it in the nurse who works the midnight shift…
And mends a broken man whose spirit needs a lift.
You can see it in the teacher who knows just what to say…
When she sees a child struggling to find his or her own way.
You can see it in the EMT who lifts a life from the dirt…
Who responds to countless needs to ease the pain and still the hurt.
You can see it in the father who sacrifices for the son…
You can see it in the mother whose work is never done.
I know it can be awful, goodness knows I’ve seen the tears…
I have been a reporter for more than 40 years.
When a bad thing happens the whole world screams and shouts…
And ignores the million good things that you never hear about.
So now I pause in gratitude on this Thanksgiving Day…
To acknowledge the light that helps us all to find our way.
It’s that light that I focus on, that fraction of a star…
That shines from deep inside and is the best of what we are.
Listen to the poem from WBZ NewsRadio's Carl Stevens (@carlwbz):
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