Our #Quarantine15 Trainers

Well our 8 weeks of #Quarantine15 workouts are about to come to a wrap and we've had some awesome workout wizards along the way help us with quick 15 minute workouts to get our energy and endorphins up as well as hopefully motivate us to avoid those "Quarantine 15 pounds".

I encourage you to continue to follow our coaches and the gyms they work at! Many are still offering up free workouts virtually and hopefully soon we'll be able to get back at these studios with proper precautions.

Meet Catyn -

Catyn works at CycleBar Assembly Row & Row Republic. I had started a bit of a Saturday morning routine that included Catyn's class at CycleBar followed by a delicious smoothie... I miss it dearly, but someday soon! I also can't wait to test out a class at Row Republic!

Meet Joe from CrossFit RBP -

When I relocated to North of the 93 tunnel I was pumped to find out there was a CrossFit gym within walking distance to work... the best shape I've ever been in is when I do CrossFit about twice a week. Funny enough Joe who runs the joint is the nephew of one of my co-workers and many many years prior we had actually met when he roomed in college with one of my exes (legit ... SMALL WORLD)!

Before the shutdown occurred I was actually prepared to get back into the groove with some personal training at CrossFit RBP in Everett - well thanks to these #Quarantine15 workouts I'm pretty sure I'm ready to dive back in when we can get back to the gym.

Meet Meagan Fitzgerald -

Megan is the host of the podcast "Resting Bliss Face" - she's about to be a mom to three and kills those butt muscles with her Pilates expertise! Seriously - there were many Saturday mornings that were tough to sit after our Friday workouts.

Meet Liz Van Dyck "Get_LizFit" -

Now Lizard and I go waayyy back... to the first grade. Liz currently lives in Austin, TX but clearly can take clients virtually. She's done many of our "Stress Less & Stretch" Wednesdays but let's be clear ... this girl can and will kick your butt if you want it! This is the friend you also swap texts with to make sure you're staying on track with your diet and workouts if you need that added motivation. BUDDY SYSTEM!

Paulina - East Side Yoga & Fitness

Paulina hooked us up with a few yoga/flow style workouts! She works as an instructor at East Side Yoga & Fitness in the South End and they have an awesome line up of classes you can take virtually! Check out their line up!

Also shout outs to Nancy who is a trainer at Burnin' By Rays in the Seaport and Caitlin of "Footloose Fitness" for hooking us up with a few workouts! FYI - Caitlin is a former Marathon runner and now Personal Trainer who has a focuses on weight training. LOVE IT!

THANK YOU to all of the instructors that shared their Quarantine time to help us stay a little sane and please if/when you can support please do so!

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