Did This Erin Oprea Leg Workout Last Night... Bring On The Pretty Muscles

I've slipped a bit in the last year when it came to my commitment to my fitness, but since the beginning of 2020 I've gotten back on track.

Typically, I work out about 5 times a week and I have to switch things up so I don't get bored. My preferred workouts ... Cycling and Crossfit. Ideally I like to go to a class of each every week and fill in with my own workouts in my apartment complex gym.

Carrie Underwood just launched her own fitness app which I am giving a whirl this month, but there was a woman that has basically worked with all the ladies in country that I'm obsessed with following... Erin Oprea!

She's got books... she has her own app too ... and she shares on her social workouts that don't require much equipment. Yesterday, I decided to give one of her leg workouts a whirl. I was walking a bit like a baby gazelle right afterwards (I've neglected strength training lately), but DANNNG did finishing this one feel good!

Take a peak and check Erin out for yourself if you're looking for some Fitspiration!

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