Get A Vacation Do-Over/My Worst Experience

Luckily I've never experienced a full on vacation disaster, but if you have you've got a shot at a do-over! The American Society of Travel Advisors is looking for your worst travel experience! If you have the worst of the worst they'll award you a do-over up to $10,000 planned by a travel expert! You have until July 19th to enter!

The only bad experience that comes to mind for myself was an all inclusive trip to the Dominican. I realize the Dominican has not been in the news recently for the best, but this was an experience of you get what you pay for ! If I recollect I paid $600 for 7 days - food & I even think flight included! The bed was hard as a rock and the food was less than stellar. By the last day I was dropping $10 for peanut M&Ms and Pringles at the little market at the resort. Some of the most notable food I remember ... oblong gray burgers and tobacco flavored ice cream (imagine my surprise when I thought I was getting chocolate!).

Even though most of the food wasn't awesome I learned some valuable life lessons on that trip... lobsters in the Caribbean don't have claws and def aren't as tasty as ours. Also, if you're drinking real pina coladas that are made with cream of coconut you shouldn't have more than two! I didn't have an incident, but the kind bartenders made sure to keep track of how many I was sucking down. When I came back for three they warned me to switch to something else as cream of coconut serves as a natural laxative for some people. You're welcome :-)

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