Dad Dragged On Reddit For Making His Daughter Do Chores For Lady Products

Not shockingly Reddit had to shut down comments on a particular thread from a dad asking if it was wrong to make his daughter do chores to pay for her monthly products.

Now he has a daughter and a son - he explained he has her clean the kitchen, bathrooms, cook meals 4 times a week to help work off money from her extra curricular activities and her monthly products.

As for his son... he doesn't do any chores to even pay for his extra curricular activities because he feels that even though that costs double what his daughters "hobbies" happen to be - his sons extracurriculars will help him with college.

THESE are things that make me want to bang ahead against the wall! So many levels of wrong, but when it comes to the feminine products here's my stance... THAT SHIZZLE SHOULD BE FREE! Women don't ask to have a period and the mere fact it happens is so that the human race can continue. Cut us a break with something! If I even run for office that in fact may be my platform - free tampons and pads for all that menstruate (also why does menstruate start with men?)!

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