My New Gym Obsession - Mark Wahlberg Venture - WATCH "Wahl Street"

Well I knew that some way Mark Wahlberg was connected to my new gym obsession "F45" but with his new show on HBO Max's "Wahl Street" looks like I'm about to find out how much!

Dorchester native Mark Wahlberg is going to take us behind the scenes of his life and navigating his many business ventures during this global pandemic. The series will be six episodes where not only we get a little behind the scenes of his real life, but also a few business and life lessons along the way. Episodes start dropping April 15th!

I'm EXCITED! Before I moved to Boston my friends in WMASS had opened the first F45 gym in the state. Loved the workout, but then I moved and slowly I started noticing them pop up all over the east. In December a studio opened up close to our studios in Medford and I can't get enough! Just watch my Instagram on the daily ... I'm there about five times a week!

Here's a little more about his involvement in F45 from Muscle and Fitness

And a little something from one of my more recent workouts - slam balls are my favorite!

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