Typically I fill my year with multiple fitness challenges; 10Ks, Half-Marathons, Adventure Races. 2019 was not that year for me.
My #1 reason for working it is it makes me feel good. I use it as medicine to help combat depression which I deal with not just in the dreary New England winter months. When I'm regular with the workouts I'm happier. When I tackle a hard challenge I feel like I can do anything. Clearly a by product of keeping a regular fitness routine is I feel good in my clothes and in my own body which makes me feel great, but the overall number on the scale is not my focus.
In 2019 I made a big move in my life. I relocated myself from WMASS to Eastern and although there are so many perks it was still tough not being right next door to some of my best friends and a 15 minute ride to my parents. I had moved to the city in the winter and I hibernated. Eventually with the spring thaw I started to venture out a bit more, but I was constantly drinking (which is like pouring gasoline on a fire when you're already down) and not carving out the proper amount of time to get in workouts. By November 2019 I realized I had packed on 10 pounds that were no longer fitting so comfortably in my pants.
I knew year one was going to be tough - I referred to it as "My Freshmen Year of My 30s". Well Freshmen year is over and I have some damage to rectify!
"TIGER PAW 2020"!!! Tiger paw is something I will say to myself or friends to motivate. It basically means make something your bitch! That spin class.... TIGER PAW! That 5K ... TIGER PAW! That Monday morning work presentation... TIGER PAW!
Am I disappointed I let myself and my health slip...YES. However, wallowing doesn't fix a thing. So BUCK UP BUTTERCUP! If you slipped or are looking to get yourself into a fitness routine in 2020. DO IT!
Top 3 excuses people use for not working out ...
#1 - I don't have time
#2 - I don't see results
#3 - I feel I'm already too unfit
You have to start somewhere and you won't see changes overnight, but you will feel a change! Your mental well-being will be the first thing to shift! As for time... wake up 30 minutes earlier and find a workout you can do at home. We're all busy and are juggling so many things at once. Finding yourself that 30 minutes will make everything else in your day easier I promise!
I know how to turn my situation around and I'm already working on it. And here's thing... if you're unhappy where you are at... you know how to fix it too! Say NO more often to make time for yourself. Eat more salads. Grocery shop on the weekend so you have plenty of good food to take to work during the week. GET IN YOUR STEPS! And find a workout that works for you!
What I know works for me...
Run 3x a week - currently I'm using the Verv "Running" app but the NIKE Run app is amazing too
CrossFit - When I do Crossfit I build muscle quickly. 1-2 times a week is really all I like to do. The added benefit of classes like these are the community it builds within the gym. Makes the workout fun and you make new friends!
Spin - Why... because I like it! The playlists... the energy from the riders around you! Workouts are ass kickers and it's interval/HIIT/Cardio/Strength all in one!
As for food...
The word "diet" is not a verb!!! Your diet should be referring to what you eat not something you do to lose weight. How you eat has to be long term if you're going to see a change. Honestly with KETO, South Beach... all the options out there... you need to find what works for you and will healthily work for you long term!
I'm mainly an everything in moderation even carbs, chocolate, and booze! As for booze... last year I completed a Dry January. This year I'm going Semi-Dry. I have a couple big events where I know I'll imbibe a little, but I am trying to reset my relationship with alcohol. Take a full week off and tell me you don't feel better ;-)
I'm going into this new decade recommitting to myself! Finding the time and dropping the excuses! The girl that tackled the deadlift below... SHE'S BACK!
If you're relating a little too much to my soap box rant...YOU GOT THIS TOO! TIGER PAW!