Scariest Haunted House Will Pay You 20Gs If You Can Complete

HELLLLL NO!!!!! If you are an extreme scare junky you may consider this, but I really wouldn't.

McKamey Manor in Summertown, TN does one show each week. The payment is dog food for the owners five pups. The requirements - you must be 21 - have had a recent physical - and sign a 40 page waiver. If you can complete the house you get $20,000! AND no one has been able to complete this house yet. Also worth noting the experience is about 10 hours long.

The owner in this video gives you a little peak to what it's like. Legally you must watch this movie in it's entirety before entering the house.

Waterboarding... covered in spiders... there's easier ways to make 20Gs ... I'll pass on this!

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