Feeling Ready To Run Again After Harpoon 5 Miler! What Should Be Next?

In High School I was the one that mocked my friends that would "run for fun". I didn't really think of running as much of a sport - it's physical, but not very mental. Or so I thought. Through training for my first half I quickly realized how wrong I was about running not being a sport. It's the most mental thing I've ever taken on.

It was about 5 years ago that our St Jude rep Jenn asked if I would run a half marathon for St. Jude and having a charity angle involved for a cause I loved I thought WHY NOT! Well I officially got the bug after that. I've completed now 7 half marathons for the kids and families of St Jude, but after this last half in November I decided to give my body a rest. Like an idiot I didn't properly train for this last half and my body was not too pleased.

I took a long break from running more than 3.1 miles and this past Sunday I partook in the Harpoon 5 Miler which supports ALS research. This was the boost I needed to get back on my A GAME!

A run I was told would sell out fast... it did! 5000 people hit the course that ventured through the Seaport to Castle Island (my new fave spot to train) and then back to Harpoon to enjoy a few adult bevies.

Shout out to my friend Allison for getting me to sign up and shout out to my work husband "Lord Bradford" for coming by to support/drink with me :-)

I had hoped I would do about a 10:30 mile and it actually broke down to about a 10 minute mile... much better than I thought I would do. And the best part today as I'm writing this... no pain in my knee! I'm ready to take on more runs, but let me be clear. I don't run for fun! I run for a reason! SOOOO if you have any great runs coming up that are 10Ks or less send the info my way!

*A few reached out about the "Run To Remember" this Sunday - Memorial Weekend plans won't allow this one. If I was free I would totally sign up! If you have the free time on Sunday and are down to run a 5 miler here's the scoop on "Run To Remember"

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