Get Paid To Find The Best Engagement Spots

Did your holiday spending leave your bank accounts empty so your travel budget is pretty much nonexistent this year? Then you might be looking for a side hustle and we found one that actually pays for you to travel around looking for the best spots in the country to propose. And the best part? You get to bring your significant other with you.

Robbins Brothers, “The Engagement Ring store,” is hiring for the dream gig, a position they’re calling “Proposal Ambassador.” It’s an opportunity for a pair of lovebirds to head out on a series of all-expenses-paid weekend jaunts around the U.S. over six months in search of the perfect proposal spots in the country. They’ll pick one lucky couple who will take off one weekend a month to visit a new city for 48 hours to find the most engagement worthy place. And because travel is only Fridays to Sundays, it won’t get in the way of your day job.

Couples who want in can apply now through February 14th, but there are certain job requirements you must meet. Winners must be social media savvy, especially Instagram, and both must be willing to be in photos and videos, do media interviews, and write content about each trip. But that seems totally worth it to get to travel for free on a series of once-in-a-lifetime adventures.

Source: Brides

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