How To Stick With Your Resolution To Eat Healthy

After spending the holiday season gorging on Christmas cookies and eggnog, lots of us are ready to eat better when the New Year rolls around. That’s why so many of us make New Year’s resolutions to follow a healthier diet, but the problem is sticking to it. So if your goal is to eat better in 2019, the best thing you can do is to be as prepared as possible, like stocking your kitchen with healthy foods, and these tips can help you do it.

  • Meal prep - It may seem intimidating at first, but setting aside a few hours once a week to cook and prepare meals for the week makes eating better easier. So when you’re rushing out the door on a busy morning, you’ll have healthy, nutritious food ready to go.
  • Use the right tools - You’ll need some sturdy containers to hold a few days worth of meals to start with. And if you want to make cooking your own meals easier, a crock pot or Instant Pot can help get it done quickly. A high-speed blender can also help you whip up healthy smoothies and protein shakes and a spiralizer can help you create fresh veggie noodles.
  • Stay hydrated - Eating healthy isn’t just about the food, you’ll need to be drinking plenty of water as well and having a reusable water bottle can help. There are even smart ones that alert you when you need to drink and track your water intake, if you want extra help.
  • Stay organized - Stock the fridge and pantry with nutritious foods so you only have good options when you’re hungry and reach for something to snack on. You may find a meal planner book can help you track what you’ve made and plan to make and help you keep recipes and grocery lists organized also.

Source: The Daily Beast

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